- 05/20/24 Library of Congress, Treasures Gallery
- Migrations of Memory is included in the inaugural exhibition, Collecting Memories, at the Treasures Gallery of the Library of Congress, highlighting major works and artifacts in the permanent collection.
- 02/03/24 Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Art
- Migrations of Memory is included in the exhibition, Angkor Complex: Cultural Heritage and Post Genocide Memory in Cambodia, at the Museum of Art
- 07/01/20 Library of Congress
- Twenty four prints from Migration of Memory was acquired by the Library of Congress
- 11/01/19 Kala Art Institute, Berkeley
- I am an Artist in Residence at Kala Arts in Berkeley, where I am continuing post-production work on new work from Cambodia
- 10/01/19 Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, Philadelphia
- Honored to be the Artist in Resident at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, where I am working on scanning, editing, and printing new work from Cambodia
- 09/19/19 Grimeshaw-Gudewicz Gallery, Rhode Island
- A selection of my new work in progress is part of a group exhibition, Rooted In Memory, at the Grimeshaw-Gudewicz Gallery in Rhode Island.
- 02/02/18 VICELAND
- Video interview and slideshow of Migrations of Memory featured on VICE's VICELAND television network, check out the video here:
- https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/vice-labs-slideshow-the-legacy-of-the-killing-fields-with-pete-pin
- 02/12/16 Smith College Museum of Art
- Very honored to be exhibiting Cambodian Diaspora in group exhibition Dislocation/Negotiating Identity: Contemporary Photographs from South and Southeast Asia, on view from Feb 12-Aug. 14, 2016
- http://www.smith.edu/artmuseum/On-View/Upcoming/Dislocation-Negotiating-Identity2
- 11/19/2015 Futurographies, The New School, NY
- My work is featured in this dynamic show on Cambodia, the U.S., and France,, curated by Parsons The New School students
- https://events.newschool.edu/event/futurographies_cambodia-usa-france#.VrJpkTYrKqA
- 11/19/15 LH Horton Jr Gallery, Delta College, Stockton
- A selection of portraits and I Am Khmer installation exhibited as part of a group showm Border Identity, on refugees and diaspora
- https://www.deltacollege.edu/dept/publicinfo/prel/2015/HortonGallery-BorderIdentity.html
- 07/13/15 VICE Magazine 2015 Photo Issue
- Cambodian Diaspora is featured in the 2015 VICE Photo Issue, a special collaboration between Magnum Photos and VICE
- 02/01/15 Huck Magazine
- The Jan-Feb issue of Huck, the Origins Issue, features a spread on Cambodian Diaspora, with text written by me, alongside very moving work by the awesome Diana Markosian
- http://www.huckmagazine.com/get-the-mag/current-issue/
- 10/28/14 OSF Audience Engagement
- Very pleased to have been awarded the OSF Audience Engagement grant for I Am Khmer, the community engagement chapter of my long-term project on the Cambodian Diaspora.
- http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/transformative-power-photography-and-collaboration
- 10/22/14 Center for Documentary Studies, Duke, In Conversation with Pictures & Archives
- Panel discussion on Pictures and Archives with photographer’s Alex Harris, Jen Kinney and myself.
- http://www.cdsporch.org/archives/22970
- 10/18/14 Photography Expanded Symposium
- Panel discussion on Photo Ex works in progress, very honored to participate, incredibly inspiring
- http://magnumfoundation.org/photoex/
- 10/15/14 Trans-Asia Photo Review, Traversing Expanses
- An expanded curatorial statement from Traversing Expanses, written by curator Lyno Vuth, published in a special issue of the Trans-Asia Photography Review:
- http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tap/7977573.0005.109?view=text;rgn=main
- 10/01/14 Art Forum, Traversing Expanses
- Critics pick on artforum.com, congrats to Lyno Vuth, Amy Lee Sanford, and Seoun Som:
- http://artforum.com/picks/id=47687
- 09/27/14 Photoville, Hyphenated
- Curated by Jennifer Pritheeva Samuel, first and second generation American photographers Adama Delphine Fawundu, Keisha Scarville and I in conversation
- http://www.photoville.com/2014-programming/2014-talks-workshops/hyphenated/
- 08/06/14 In Conversation, Sa Sa Bassac
- Amy Sanford, Seoun Som and I will be discussing Traversing Expanses with curator Lyno Vuth, with participation from the audience, at Sa Sa Bassac via skype, 630-8pm Phnom Pehn time.
- 07/18/14 Traversing Expanses, Sa Sa Bassac
- Traversing Expanses, curated by Lyno Vuth, and featuring diasporic artists Amy Lee Sanford, Seoun Som, and I opening at Sa Sa Bassac in Phnom Penh
- http://www.sasabassac.com/exhibitions/26_traversing_expanses/traversing_expanses.htm
- 06/13/14 LOOKBetween
- Very honored to participate in LOOKBetween 2014, an incredible and eclectic group of young photographers
- http://www.look3.org/look-between/
- 06/13/14 MOCA NY, Asian Pride Project
- I photographed my uncle and grandmother in Stockton, CA for the group exhibition, Our Portraits, Our Families, a group photography show of Asian family LGBTQ narratives, exhibition on view from June 13-July 13:
- http://asianprideproject.org/opof.html
- 04/24/14 The New School
- The Education Studies and Global Studies departments at The New School will be hosting a discussion on Cambodian Diaspora, please join if in NY:
- http://events.newschool.edu/event/beyond_the_killing_fields_photography_memory_and_the_cambodian_diaspora#.UztjN61dXLo
- 06/20/13 World Policy Institute Political Salon
- The WPI will be hosting a Political Salon, A Lens Beyond the Killing Fields, on Cambodian Diaspora:
- http://www.worldpolicy.org/events/lens-beyond-killing-fields-political-salon-pete-pin
- 06/12/13 Yolanda Cuomo TIME Lightbox
- Had the privilege to photograph legendary photo book maker Yolanda Cuomo for TIME Lightbox:
- http://timelightbox.tumblr.com/post/52808048058/photograph-by-pete-pin-for-time-yolanda-cuomo-is
- http://lightbox.time.com/2013/06/12/profile-of-a-curatorial-master-yolanda-cuomo/#1
- 06/01/13 Creative Time Reports – Out of Nowhere: Photography in Cambodia (Part II)
- Part II of Out of Nowhere: Photography in Cambodia in Creative Time Reports:
- http://creativetimereports.org/2013/07/01/photography-cambodia-part-two/
- 05/17/2013 Cambodian Diaspora – En Foco, Montefiore Health Center, NY
- Very excited to announce the opening of Cambodian Diaspora at the Montefiore Health Center, in NY, in collaboration with En Foco, Montefiore, and Mekong. An installation of Cambodian Diaspora, with photographs from across the country, and 3x5 foot prints of diptych portraits, directly in heart of Cambodian community in Bronx and the center that has provided mental health services to community for decades:
- http://www.enfoco.org/index.php/programs/exhibit/pin_pete
- 05/15/13 Stockton Record
- In Stockton photographing; Stockton Record published a front page feature with interview:
- http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130315/A_NEWS/303150331/-1/a_news07
- 05/04/13 KPCC Picture This
- Dropped by Southern California NPR member station KPCC and did an interview on KPCC for their new feature on photography, Picture This:
- http://www.scpr.org/programs/take-two/2013/03/04/30769/picture-this-pete-pin-captures-cambodian-diaspora/
- 04/26/13 Bronx Museum - Open Studio
- Open Studio at Bronx Museum, with Leang Seckon:
- http://seasonofcambodia.org/event/open-studios-bronx-museum-of-the-arts-with-pete-pin-and-seckon-leang/
- 04/26/13 Bronx Museum – 1040 Artist Lounge
- Bronx Museum will host a conversation with Leang Seckon and I, following Open Studio:
- http://seasonofcambodia.org/event/conversation-1040-lounge-artist-spotlight-seckon-leang-and-pete-pin/
- 04/24/13 New York University Asian Pacific American Institute – Legacy of Now
- Amazing panel discussion on the Cambodian diaspora experience, articulated by Cambodian American artists, as part of the Season of Cambodia festival:
- http://seasonofcambodia.org/event/legacy-of-now/
- 04/20/13 Photography Expanded – at Aperture Foundation in NY
- Really excited to participate in Photography Expanded:
- http://www.aperture.org/event/photography-expanded/
- 04/15/13 Creative Time Reports – Out of Nowhere: Photography in Cambodia (Part I)
- Cambodian Diaspora published in Creative Time Reports on a feature on Contemporary photoraphy in Cambodia, check out part 1:
- http://creativetimereports.org/2013/04/15/out-of-nowhere-photography-in-cambodia/
- 04/15/13 Le Journal de la Photographie – Cambodian Diaspora
- Participated in the New York Times Lensblog portfolio review; featured in Le Journal de la Photographie:
- http://lejournaldelaphotographie.com/
- 04/01/13 Season of Cambodia Artist in Residence Bronx Museum
- For the next two months, I will be an Artist in Residence at the Bronx Museum, as part of the In Residence, Visual Arts programming of the Season of Cambodia Festival in New York, a historic, unprecedented Cambodian arts festival featuring 125 Cambodian artists:
- http://seasonofcambodia.org/pete-pin/
- 03/01/13 The Global Journal
- Cambodian Diaspora published in Issue #16 of the print edition of the Global Journal, including new diptych portraits:
- http://theglobaljournal.net/group/16-pink-face-indian-vigilantism/photo/1634/
- 02/19/13 Esquire Magazine - (Russia)
- Cambodian Diaspora is featured In Esquire Russia:
- http://esquire.ru/photo/cambodian-diaspora
- 02/07/13 University of Wisconsin at Whitewater – Visiting Lecture Series
- Talk and lecture on Cambodian Diaspora, really great community!
- 12/15/12 Redfern Housing post Sandy for TIME.com
- Had the honor to photograph the Redfern Houses in the Far Rockaways, Brooklyn, for TIME.com a month after Hurricane Sandy:
- http://nation.time.com/2012/12/05/in-sandys-shadow-a-struggle-to-recover-at-redfern-houses/
- 12/01/12 - Angkor Photo Festival, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Cambodian Diaspora will be included in Slideshow of 2012 Angkof Photo Festival
- 12/01/12 Anthropology Now - Cambodian Diaspora
- Winter, 2012 Volume 4, Number 3
- Cambodian Diaspora, including text written by me, published in the print edition of the Anthropology journal Anthropology Now.
- 10/12/12 Artless Photographs - Fotofest Biennial, Ohio
- A collection of archival photographs and documents I photographed and scanned, from Khao-I-Dang refugee camp, belonging to the Ung family in Philadelphia, will be on display in show Artless Photographs, part of the Fotofest Biennial:
- http://artlessphotographs.tumblr.com/
- 09/20/12 Kickstarter Funded
- Very happy to announce that Cambodian Diaspora Kickstarter campaign is successfully funded!
- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/181740424/the-cambodian-diaspora
- 9/18/12 Half King, Chelsea New York – A Conversation with Pete Pin and Brenda Ann Kenneally
- Really stoked to have the honor to discuss Cambodian Diaspora at the Half King in Chelsea, NY with the great Brenda Ann Kenneally, in support of my Kickstarter campaign:
- https://www.facebook.com/events/438284896221668
- 09/14/12 Asia Society - Cambodian Diaspora
- Really great feature and interview in Asia Society, please read and share:
- http://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/photosinterview-portraits-cambodian-diaspora-cali-bronx
- 06/01/12 A3 Asian in America - TIME Life Building, NY and Reuters Headquarters, NY
- Cambodian Diaspora will be on display, along with other work from other Asian Americans, for the summer at the TIME Life building and the Reuters Headquarters in NY.
- 05/23/12 USCIS New York Field Office for Refugees and Asylum
- Had the honor to give a presentation of Cambodian Diaspora at the New York Field Office for Refugee Asylum.
- 05/20/12 2012 Fotovisura Pavilion - United Photo Industries, NY
- Exhibition of the winners of the Fotovisura Grant, including a piece from Cambodian Diaspora:
- http://grant.fotovisura.com/past-grants/2011-grant/2011-winners
- 05/14/12 Verve
- http://vervephoto.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/pete-pin/
- 06/07/12 Joe Klein Road Trip TIME Magazine
- Super stoked to be photographing a week leg of the 2012 Joe Klien Road trip for TIME, driving and photographing from Philadelphia to Dayton, Ohio.
- 06/25/12 Joe Klein Road Trip TIME Lightbox
- http://lightbox.time.com/2012/06/25/state-of-america-photographing-joe-kleins-road-trip/#1
- 05/12/12 VOA Interview
- Really great video piece and interview on Cambodian Diaspora on Voice of America:
- http://www.voanews.com/content/cambodian-american_photographer_chronicles_displaced/566291.html
- 04/27/12 Ohio University, Southeast Asian Library, Ohio
- As part of Ohio University's Khmer Studies Forum, Cambodian Diaspora is exhibited in the Center for International Collections library in Athens.
- http://www2.library.ohiou.edu/2012/04/center-for-international-collections-to-host-work-by-photographer-pete-pin/
- 03/18/12 Fotovisura Spotlight - 2nd Place
- Cambodian Diaspora was awarded 2nd place in the Fotovisura Spotlight, super cool:
- http://grant.fotovisura.com/past-grants/2011-grant/2011-winners
- 03/17/12 New York Times - Cambodian Diaspora
- Bronx portion of Cambodian Diaspora published in the print edition of the Sunday NY Times, accompanied by a feature on the LensBlog:
- http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/after-camps-new-horizons/?_r=0
- 02/06/12 TIME Magazine Lightbox - Cambodian Diaspora
- Lightbox published the Bronx portion of Cambodian Diaspora, with text written by me. Please read:
- http://lightbox.time.com/2012/02/06/displaced-the-cambodian-diaspora/
- 09/01/11 Magnum Foundation
- Magnum Foundation Emergency Fund published the Bronx portion of my long-term project, following a fellowship at the MF. Feature includes audio and a lengthy interview with Joyce Wong, a licensed clinical social worker, and Ousara Sophuok, a Cambodian family health worker who immigrated as a refugee from Cambodia to the Bronx in 1986:
- http://magnumfoundation.org/emergencyfund/?projects=displaced/
- 06/14/11 International Center of Photography, NY
- The 2010-11 ICP Documentary and Photojournalism student show, Capture and Release:
- http://www.icp.org/events/2011/june/24/capture-and-release-2010-2011-full-time-student-exhibition-opening-reception
- 06/09/10 Burn Magazine
- The Ave published on Burn, check it out:
- http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2010/06/pete-pin-the-ave/